IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications 2024 Best Paper Award Hiroaki Hashida, Yuichi Kawamoto, and Nei Kato "Optimization of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Dimensions Under Partial Blockages" 2024年12月07日
IEEE Computer Society Publications Board 2023 Best Paper Runner-up Award Takahiro Ohyama, Yuichi Kawamoto, and Nei Kato "Quantum Computing Based Optimization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS)-Aided Cell-Free Network" 2024年12月05日
IEEE Communications Society Cognitive Networks Technical Committee 2024 Publication Award Nei Kato 2024年12月
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award Norranat Songsriboonsit "High-Resolution Atmospheric Cloud Generation for Ground-HAP FSO Channel Modeling" 2024年11月04日
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award 関森 柊太 "Beamforming and Resource Allocation in LEO Satellite Networks Using Delay-Adjustable IRS with Frequency Prism" 2024年11月04日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award 日比 龍平 "3D Codebook Construction Strategy based on Control Accuracy Index for Intelligent Reflecting Surface in Near-field" 2024年10月17日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Student Paper Award 日野原 光二 "Multiple Access Point Coordinated Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access Considering Channel Fairness of Non-Coordinated Nodes" 2024年10月17日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Student Paper Award 飯塚 晃輝 "Performance Evaluation of Coordination Function Selection in Multi-AP Coordination for Next-Generation Wireless LANs" 2024年10月17日
電子情報通信学会活動功労賞 川本 雄一 2024年09月10日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2024 Student Paper Award 加藤 航 "Stable and Efficient Inter-Satellite Optical Wireless Communication through Connection of Intersecting Orbits" 2024年06月25日
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award 日野原 光二 "A Study on Near Fields Experiments of Intelligent Reflecting Surface at 60 GHz" 2024年06月17日
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award 益子 和真 "Adaptive Cell Allocation in Hybrid FSO/RF Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks" 2024年06月17日
2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2024) Workshop Best Paper Award Taishi Endo, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato, Masashi Iwabuchi, Tomoki Murakami, and Yoghitha Ramamoorthi "Dividing Control Scheme for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces towards the Realization of Multiple Simultaneous Connections" 2024年06月09日
東北大学総長優秀学生賞 橋田 紘明 2024年03月26日
東北大学総長賞 郭 琦 2024年03月26日
東北大学大学院情報科学研究科研究科長賞 日比 龍平 2024年03月26日
日本学術振興会 第14回日本学術振興会育志賞 橋田 紘明 2024年02月28日
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award 大島 宙斗 "A Study on Task Distribution in Distributed Data Centers Using Optical Satellite Communications" 2024年02月20日
A3 Foresight Program 2024 Workshop Best Presentation Award Reham Ibrahim "Hierarchical Clustering-based Optimization of an Optical Satellite-HAPs-Vehicle Network in Varying Weather" 2024年02月20日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2023 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 山崎 凛 "Latency Reduction with Different NR Sidelink Modes in V2X Networks with UAV Support" 2024年01月19日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2023 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Zhu Yishi "On a Novel High Accuracy Positioning With Intelligent Reflecting Surface and Unscented Kalman Filter for Intelligent Transportation Systems in B5G" 2024年01月19日
2023 8th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC 2023) Best Paper Award 郭 琦 "Energy Efficient Routing for FSO-RF Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach" 2023年11月05日
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) 2023 Stuart F. Meyer Memorial Award 加藤 寧 2023年10月12日
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Student Travel Award 田中 詠 "Exploiting Reflection Direction Variation for Phase Control in Multiple Simultaneous IRS Links" 2023年06月21日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2023 Student Paper Award 田中 詠 "Exploiting Reflection Direction Variation for Phase Control in Multiple Simultaneous IRS Links" 2023年06月21日
2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2023) Student Travel Grant 山崎 凜 "Latency Reduction with Different NR Sidelink Modes in V2X Networks with UAV Support" 2023年05月31日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2022 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 日比 龍平 "Efficient Phase Control Determination by Codebook without CSI for Standalone IRS Realization" 2023年02月06日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2022 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 郭 琦 "Federated Reinforcement Learning-Based Resource Allocation for D2D-Aided Digital Twin Edge Networks in 6G Industrial IoT" 2023年02月06日
A3 Foresight Program 2022 Workshop Best Presentation Award 橋田 紘明 "Deep Reinforcement Learning-empowered passive beamforming design in IRS-aided Communications Without Channel State Information" 2022年12月19日
A3 Foresight Program 2022 Workshop Best Presentation Award 山崎 凜 "A Study on Latency Reduction with Different NR Sidelink Modes in V2X Communication and UAV Network" 2022年12月19日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2022 Student Paper Award 松下 明哲 "Interference Suppression by Directivity Control Towards Frequency Sharing for Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks in Internet of Things" 2022年06月20日
IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter IEEE VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2022 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award 中里 達哉 "Radio Access Control of Access Points and Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for Data Rate Improvement in Joint Transmission" 2022年06月20日
A3 Foresight Program 2022 Workshop Best Presentation Award 日比龍平 "Optimal Codebook Construction Based on Position Information for Stand Alone IRS (SA-IRS) System" 2022年02月26日
IEEE Communications Society Certificate of appreciation Nei Kato 2021年12月
2021 7th International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2021) Best Paper Award 高橋 昌希, 鈴木 慎平, 川本 雄一, 加藤 寧 "A Practical Approach for SNR-based Subchannel Allocation Considering Inter-Beam Interference in a Satellite Communication System" 2021年11月19日
A3 Foresight Program 2021 Workshop Best Presentation Award 高橋 昌希 "Communication Demand Prediction and Resource Control in Satellite Communication Systems: A Study on Schedule Adjustment" 2021年02月25日
公益財団法人 NEC C&C財団 C&C若手優秀論文賞 島田 隼人 "Novel Workload Balancing Method for UAV-based Edge Cloud Computing Systems with Handover" 2021年01月27日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2020 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 島田 隼人 "Novel Workload Balancing Method for UAV-based Edge Cloud Computing Systems with Handover" 2021年01月09日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2020 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award 土田 輝 "Efficient Power Control for Satellite-Borne Batteries Using Q-Learning in Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Constellations" 2021年01月09日
IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY Internet of Things, Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks Technical Committee 2021 TECHNICAL ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Nei Kato 2021年
IEEE Global Communications Conference 2020 (GLOBECOM 2020) Student Travel Grant シカール "A Novel IoT-Aware WLAN Environment Identification for Efficient Internet-Wide Port Scan" 2020年12月
IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award 川本雄一 2020年12月
IEEE Communications Society Asia-Pacific Outstanding Paper Award Winners Zubair Md. Fadlullah, Fengxiao Tang, Bomin Mao, Nei Kato, Osamu Akashi, Takeru Inoue, and Kimihiro Mizutani "State-of-the-Art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's Intelligent Network Traffic Control Systems" 2020年12月
IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Joint Chapter IEEE CS Tokyo/Japan Joint Local Chapters Young Author Award 2020 毛 伯敏 "An Absorbing Markov Chain Based Model to Solve Computation and Communication Tradeoff in GPU-Accelerated MDRUs for Safety Confirmation in Disaster Scenarios IEEE Transactions on Computers" 2020年11月
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall VTS Tokyo/Japan Chapter 2020 Student Paper Award シカール "Security Analysis of Network-oblivious Internet-wide Scan for IEEE 802.11ah Enabled IoT" 2020年11月
2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020) Best Paper Award Masaki Takahashi, Yuichi Kawamoto, and Nei Kato "Adaptive Multi-Beam Arrangement for Improving Throughput in HTS Communication System" 2020年06月
2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2020) Student Travel Grant Masaki Takahashi "Adaptive Multi-Beam Arrangement for Improving Throughput in HTS Communication System" 2020年06月
丹羽保次郎記念論文賞 毛 伯敏 "Routing or Computing? The Paradigm Shift Towards Intelligent Computer Network Packet Trasmission Based on Deep Lerning" 2020年02月22日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2019 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Hiroaki Hashida "Efficient Delay-Based Internet-Wide Scanning Method for IoT Devices in Wireless LAN (IEEE Internet of Things Journal)" 2020年01月09日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2019 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Masaki Takahashi "Adaptive Power Resource Allocation with Multi-Beam Directivity Control in High-Throughput Satellite Communication Systems (IEEE Wireless Communications Letters)" 2020年01月09日
IEEE COMMUNICATION SOCIETY ASIA-PACIFIC BOARD BEST PAPER AWARD Jiajia Liu, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Jun Guo "On the Outage Probability of Device-to-Device Communication Enabled Multi-Channel Cellular Networks: A RSS Threshold-Based Perspective" 2020年01月
IEEE Communications Society Certificate of appreciation Nei Kato 2019年12月
IEEE Transactions on Computers The best paper of 2018 Tiago Koketsu Rodrigues, Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Katsuhiro Temma "Cloudlets Activation Scheme for Scalable Mobile Edge Computing with Transmission Power Control and Virtual Machine Migration" 2019年11月12日
The International Conference on Wireless Communication and signal Processing Organizing Committee WCSP 10-Year Anniversary Excellent Paper Award Nei Kato, Keisuke Sato, Yuichi Kawamoto, and Hiroki Nishiyama "A Modeling Technique Utilizing Feedback Control Theory for Performance Evaluation of IoT System in Real-Time" 2019年10月
IEEE Communications Society Green Communications & Computing Technical Committee 2019 Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award Nei Kato 2019年05月
東北大学工学部長賞 三橋拓斗 2019年03月27日
東北大学総長賞 唐 楓梟 2019年03月27日
東北大学大学院情報科学研究科研究科長賞 古谷透音 2019年03月27日
東北大学大学院電気・情報系運営委員会 電気・情報系優秀学生賞 毛 伯敏 "A Study on Deep Learning Based Packet Transmission Strategy for Intelligent Network Traffic Control" 2019年03月27日
東北大学大学院情報科学研究科研究科長賞 唐 楓梟 2019年03月27日
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2018 Top Editor Recognition Yuichi Kawamoto 2019年03月
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2018) Best Paper Award Fengxiao Tang, Bomin Mao, Zubair Md. Fadlullah, and Nei Kato "Deep Spatiotemporal Partially Overlapping Channel Allocation : Joint CNN and Activity Vector Approach" 2018年12月13日
2018 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC 2018) Best Paper Award Fengxiao Tang, Bomin Mao, Zubair Md. Fadlullah, Jiajia Liu, and Nei Kato "On Extracting The Spatial-Temporal Features of Network Traffic Patterns: A Tensor Based Deep Learning Model" 2018年08月24日
Certificate of Appreciation Nei Kato 2018年07月12日
3rd EAI International Conference on Machine Learning and Intelligent Communications Certificate of Appreciation Nei Kato 2018年07月08日
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018) Best Paper Award Shikhar Verma, Yuichi Kawamoto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Chih-Wei Huang "Novel Group Paging Scheme for Improving Energy Efficiency of IoT Devices over LTE-A Pro Networks with QoS Considerations" 2018年05月
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2018) Student Travel Grant Shikhar Verma "Novel Group Paging Scheme for Improving Energy Efficiency of IoT Devices over LTE-A Pro Networks with QoS Considerations" 2018年05月
文部科学省 科学技術賞 加藤寧、西山大樹 2018年04月17日
IEEE Communications Society Certificate of appreciation Nei Kato 2018年01月
2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2017) Best Paper Award Bomin Mao, Zubair Md. Fadlullah, Fengxiao Tang, Nei Kato, Osamu Akashi, Takeru Inoue, and Kimihiro Mizutani "A Tensor Based Deep Learning Technique for Intelligent Packet Routing" 2017年12月06日
IEEE Communications Society 2017 IEEE ComSoc AP Outstanding Paper Award Hiroki Nishiyama, Masaya Ito, and Nei Kato "Relay-by-Smartphone: Realizing Multi-Hop Device-to-Device Communications" 2017年12月05日
IEEE Communications Society Certificate of appreciation Nei Kato 2017年12月
The 2017 International Conference on Wireless Internet (WICON '17) Certificate of Appreciation Nei Kato 2017年12月
IEEE VTC2017-Fall Workshop – Networked Vehicles for Intelligent Transportation and Smart Grids (NetV) Best Paper Award Yuki Takahashi, Yuichi Kawamoto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Fumie Ono, and Ryu Miura "A TD-LTE-A Based Efficient Radio Access Scheme for Real-time Data Transmission over Relay Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks" 2017年09月24日 (1/1/1)
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2017) Best Paper Award Kazuma Kaneko, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Amane Miura, and Morio Toyoshima "An Evaluation of Flexible Frequency Utilization in High Throughput Satellite Communication Systems with Digital Channelizer" 2017年05月22日
情報科学研究科研究科長賞 Tiago Gama Rodrigues 2017年03月24日
情報科学研究科研究科長賞 Thuan Ngo 2017年03月24日
東北大学総長賞 Thuan Ngo 2017年03月24日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter 2016 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Hideki Kuribayashi "A Mobility-Based Mode Selection Technique for Fair Spatial Dissemination of Data in Multi-Channel Device-to-Device Communication (ICC 2016)" 2017年01月12日
22nd IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2016) Keynote Speech Recognition Nei Kato "IoT: Towards a Connected Era -- Research Direction and Social Impacts" 2016年12月14日
2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2016) Best Paper Award Jiajia Liu, Nei Kato, and Nirwan Ansari "Optimizing Uplink Resource Allocation for D2D Overlaying Cellular Networks with Power Control" 2016年12月08日
IEEE Communications Society Certificate of appreciation Nei Kato 2016年12月
2016 5th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IEEE IC-NIDC 2016) Best Paper Award Shucong Jia, Zubair Md Fadlullah, Nei Kato, and Lin Zhang "Eco-Udc: An Energy Efficient Data Collection Method For Disaster Area Networks" 2016年09月25日 (9/103/about300)
The 2016 IEEE 84th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Fall) IEEE VTS Tokyo Chapter 2016 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award Tiago Gama Rodrigues "Towards a Low-Delay Edge Cloud Computing Through a Combined Communication and Computation Approach" 2016年09月19日 ( 7/400+/800+)
Municipal Mayor Mariano R. Martinez Certificate of Application Nei Kato, Hiroki Nishiyama, Daiki Murayama, Naoki Miyashita, Naoto Yamada, Yuki Takahashi, Hiroaki Takagi, Yoshitaka Shimizu, and Yasuo Suzuki 2016年08月02日
A3 Foresight Program 2016 Best Presentation Award Yunseong Lee "A Study on the Power Saving Technology in Wireless Sensor Networks" 2016年07月11日 (16/49)
A3 Foresight Program 2016 Best Presentation Award Tiago Gama Rodrigues "Lowering Service Delay in Edge Cloud Computing Through a Hybrid Computation and Communication Approach" 2016年07月11日 (16/49)
A3 Foresight Program 2016 Best Presentation Award Hideki Kuribayashi "A Study on a Mode Selection Method Based on Mobility for Even Spatial Data Dissemination in Multi-Channel D2D Communication" 2016年07月11日 (16/49)
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2016) Best Paper Award Hideki Kuribayashi, Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei kato, Kimihiro Mizutani, Takeru Inoue, and Osamu Akashi "A Mobility-Based Mode Selection Technique for Fair Spatial Dissemination of Data in Multi-Channel Device-to-Device Communication" 2016年05月24日 (15/963/2469)
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2016) Best Paper Award Thuan Ngo, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Satoshi Kotabe, and Hiroshi Tohjo "GHAR: Graph-based Hybrid Adaptive Routing for Cognitive Radio Based Disaster Response Networks" 2016年05月24日 (15/963/2469)
IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2016-Spring) Best Paper Award Thuan Ngom Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Satoshi Kotabe, and Hiroshi Tohjo "A Novel Graph-Based Topology Control Cooperative Algorithm for Maximizing Throughput of Disaster Recovery Networks" 2016年05月17日 (4/492/???)
A3 Foresight Program 2016 Best Presentation Award Naoki Miyashita "A Study on Novel Using Techinique of Digital Beam Forming in the Satellite Network System" 2016年02月18日
IEEE Communications Society Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks 技術委員会 2016 OUTSTANDING SERVICE & LEADERSHIP RECOGNITION AWARD Nei Kato 2016年
IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia-Pacific Board IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award Zubair Md. Fadlullah 2015年12月15日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Awards 2015 The Best Paper Prize Naoki Miyashita, Hiroki Nishiyama, and Nei Kato "The Efficient Frequency Sharing in Integrated Satellite/Terrestrial Systems" 2015年11月30日
一般財団法人 電気通信工学振興会 RIEC Award 東北大学学生賞 川本 雄一 "高効率通信を実現する次世代衛星センサネットワークシステムに関する研究" 2015年11月25日
Municipal Mayor Mariano R. Martinez Certificate of Recognition Nei Kato, Hiroki Nishiyama, Katsuya Suto, Daiki Murayama, Hideki Kuribayashi, Yoshitaka Shimizu, and Yasuo Suzuki 2015年11月19日
2015 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC 2015) Best Paper Award Yunseong Lee, Katsuya Suto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Hirotaka Ujikawa, and Ken-Ichi Suzuki "A Novel Network Design and Operation for Reducing Transmission Power in Cloud Radio Access Network with Power over Fiber" 2015年11月04日 (5/180/461)
2015 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2015) Best Paper Award Keisuke Sato, Yuichi Kawamoto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Yoshitaka Shimizu "A Modeling Technique Utilizing Feedback Control Theory for Performance Evaluation of IoT System in Real-time" 2015年10月16日 (10/376/942)
A3 Foresight Program 2015 Best Presentation Award Keisuke Miyanabe "Novel Power Saving Mechanisms for a Cloud Radio Access Network with Power over Fiber" 2015年07月02日
IEEE 81th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2015-Spring) IEEE VTS Japan 2015 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award Katsuya Suto "A Failure-Tolerant and Spectrum-Efficient Wireless Data Center Network Design for Improving Performance of Big Data Mining" 2015年05月12日 (8/339/732)
丹羽保次郎記念論文賞 川本 雄一 "Effective Data Collection via Satellite-Routed Sensor System (SRSS) to Realize Global-Scaled Internet of Things" 2015年02月21日
A3 Foresight Program 2015 Best Presentation Award Kazuma Kaneko "A Study on Effective Data Transmission Scheme for Earth Observation Optical Satellite Networks" 2015年02月05日
IEEE ComSoc 仙台支部 2014 IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Kazuma Kaneko "An Efficient Utilization of Intermittent Satellite-to-Ground Links by Using Mass Storage Device Embedded in Satellites" 2015年01月14日
2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2014) Best Paper Award Wei Zhao, Zubair Fadlullah, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Kiyoshi Hamaguchi "On Joint Optimal Placement of Access Points and Partially Overlapping Channel Assignment for Wireless Networks" 2014年12月12日
電気関係学会東北支部連合大会 IEEE Sendai Section Student Awards 2014 The Encouragement Prize Keisuke Miyanabe "On STA Sleep Method for Reducing Energy Consumption and Delay in FiWi Networks" 2014年12月05日
IEEE Communications Societyより感謝状 2014 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm 2014) Symposia Co-Chair Nei Kato 2014年11月06日
2014 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2014) Best Paper Award Wei Zhao, Zubair Fadlullah, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, and Kiyoshi Hamaguchi "Joint Design of Density of Access Points and Partially Overlapped Channel Assignment for Capacity Optimization in Wireless Networks" 2014年10月24日
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-14) Best Paper Award Meng Li, Hiroki Nishiyama, Yasunori Owada, and Kiyoshi Hamaguchi "On Energy Efficient Scheduling and Load Distribution Based on Renewable Energy for Wireless Mesh Network in Disaster Area" 2014年09月26日
2014 4th IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2014) Best Paper Award Huang Zanjie, Nishiyama Hiroki, Kato Nei, Ono Fumie, Miura Ryu, and Zhao Baohua "Resource Allocation for Data Gathering in UAV-Aided Wireless Sensor Networks" 2014年09月21日
IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall) VTS Japan 2014 Student Paper Award Keisuke Miyanabe "Synchronized Power Saving Mechanisms for Battery-Powered Mobile Terminals in Smart FiWi Networks" 2014年09月15日
A3 Foresight Program 2014 Best Presentaion Award Daisuke Takaishi "A Study on Dynamic Trajectory Control for Improving Network Connectivity in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" 2014年07月15日
2014 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS) SPECTS Best Paper Award Shoki Oiyama, Hiroki Nishiyama, and Nei Kato "A Partially Centralized Messaging Control Scheme Using Star Topology in Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks" 2014年07月07日
IEEE Communications Societyより感謝状 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014) TPC Vice-Chair Nei Kato 2014年06月19日
IEEE Communications Societyより感謝状 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014) Symposium Chair Hiroki Nishiyama 2014年06月19日
IEEE Communications Societyより感謝状 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014) Symposium Chair Zubair Md. Fadlullah 2014年06月19日
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2014) Student Travel Grant Shintaro Arai "An Energy Efficient Upload Transmission Method in Storage-Embedded Wireless Mesh Networks" 2014年06月17日
総務省東北総合通信局長表彰 加藤 寧 "Development of the "technology for self-configured network using only mobile terminals"" 2014年06月01日
IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Spring) IEEE VTS Japan 2014 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award Avakul Panu "A Performance Evaluation of Multiple MDRUs Based Wireless Mesh Networks" 2014年05月19日
IEEE Communications Societyより感謝状 INFOCOM 2014 Publicity Co-Chair Nei Kato 2014年05月02日
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014) Student Travel Grant Abdulla Ahmed "An Optimal Data Collection Technique for Improved Utility in UAS-aided Networks" 2014年04月30日
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014) Best Paper Award Yuichi Kawamoto, Jiajia Liu, Hiroki Nishiyama, and Nei Kato "An Efficient Traffic Detouring Method by Using Device-to-Device Communication Technologies in Heterogeneous Network" 2014年04月08日
東北大学大学院情報科学研究科長賞 髙橋 朝人 2014年03月26日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Awards 2013 THE BEST PAPER PRIZE Masaya Ito, Hiroki Nishiyama, and Nei Kato "An Experimental Study on Routing Overhead of DTN/MANET Dual-Mode Smartphones" 2013年11月15日
電子情報通信学会活動功労賞 西山 大樹 2013年09月18日
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Japan 2013 Student Paper Award Daisuke Takaishi "On the Effect of Data Request Message Flooding in Dense Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink" 2013年09月03日
A3 Foresight Program 2013 Best Presentation Award Asato Takahashi "A Study on Dynamic Replication Control in Disruption-Tolerant Network" 2013年07月12日
The 9th IEEE International wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013) Best Paper Award Nei Kato "A Divide and Conquer Approach for Efficient Bandwidth Allocation in Next Generation Satellite-Routed Sensor System (SRSS)" 2013年07月05日
The 9th IEEE International wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013) Best Paper Award Hiroki Nishiyama "A Divide and Conquer Approach for Efficient Bandwidth Allocation in Next Generation Satellite-Routed Sensor System (SRSS)" 2013年07月05日
The 9th IEEE International wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013) Best Paper Award Yuichi Kawamoto "A Divide and Conquer Approach for Efficient Bandwidth Allocation in Next Generation Satellite-Routed Sensor System (SRSS)" 2013年07月05日
IEEE VTC 2013-Spring Conference's Best Satellite Networks and Positioning Track Paper Nei Kato "An Efficient Data Transfer Method for Distributed Storage System over Satellite Networks" 2013年06月05日
IEEE VTC 2013-Spring Conference's Best Satellite Networks and Positioning Track Paper Hiroki Nishiyama "An Efficient Data Transfer Method for Distributed Storage System over Satellite Networks" 2013年06月05日
IEEE VTC 2013-Spring Conference's Best Satellite Networks and Positioning Track Paper Katsuya Suto "An Efficient Data Transfer Method for Distributed Storage System over Satellite Networks" 2013年06月05日
IEEE VTC 2013-Spring Conference's Best Satellite Networks and Positioning Track Paper Panu Avakul "An Efficient Data Transfer Method for Distributed Storage System over Satellite Networks" 2013年06月05日
IEEE VTS Japan 2013 Student Paper Award Yuichi Kawamoto "Packet Transfer Delay Minimization by Network-Wide Equalization of Unbalanced Traffic Load in MultiLayered Satellite Networks" 2013年06月05日
IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter Student Excellent Research Award Ko Togashi "On the effect of Cooperation Between Power Saving Mechanisms in WLANs and PONs" 2013年01月13日
IEEE COMSOC Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award Hiroki Nishiyama 2013年
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2013) Best Paper Award Yuichi Kawamoto, Hiroki Nishiyama, Nei Kato, Shinichi Yamamoto, Naoko Yoshimura, and Naoko Kadowaki "A Centralized Multiple Access Scheme for Data Gathering in Satellite-Routed Sensor System (SRSS)" 2013年
IEEE Fellow称号の記念盾 Nei Kato 2013年
IEEE Computer Society MERITORIOUS SERVICE CERTIFICATE Zubair Md. Fadlullah 2013年
RIEC Award 東北大学学生賞 劉 家佳(D3) 2012年11月09日
東北大学藤野先生記念奨励賞 劉 家佳(D3) 2012年09月25日
電子情報通信学会功労顕彰状 加藤 寧 2012年09月12日
電子情報通信学会活動功労賞 加藤 寧 2012年09月12日
電子情報通信学会よりフェローの称号が贈呈 加藤 寧 2012年09月12日
23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), the IEEE PIMRC Student Travel Grant Wei Liu (D3) "A Novel Gateway Selection Method to Maximize the System Throughput of Wireless Mesh Network Deployed in Disaster Areas" 2012年09月
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) Best Paper Award Nei Kato "End-to-End Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Generalized Transmission Range and Limited Packet Redundancy" 2012年04月04日
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) Best Paper Award Hiroki Nishiyama "End-to-End Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Generalized Transmission Range and Limited Packet Redundancy" 2012年04月04日
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) Best Paper Award Jiajia Liu (D3) "End-to-End Delay in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Generalized Transmission Range and Limited Packet Redundancy" 2012年04月04日
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) Student Travel Grant Yuichi Kawamoto(M2) "Assessing Packet Delivery Delay in Multi-Layered Satellite Networks" 2012年04月04日
IEEE VTS Certificate of Appreciation as a Top Associate Editor Nei Kato 2012年01月
IEEE Communications Society から感謝状 Nei Kato 2012年
7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China, CHINACOM Best Student Paper Award Jiajia Liu (D3) "Message Delivery Probability of Two-Hop Relay with Erasure Coding in MANETs" 2012年
The 54th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), the GLOBECOM Student Travel Grant Jiajia Liu (D2) "Performance Modeling for Two-hop Relay with Erasure Coding in MANETs" 2011年12月
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2011 (ICC 2011) , the IEEE ICC Student Travel Grant Jiajia Liu (D2) "Delay and Capacity in Ad Hoc Mobile Networks with f-cast Relay Algorithms" 2011年06月
Certificate of Appreciation for Sensor and Mesh Networking symposium Co-Chair at IEEE ICC 2011, kyoto, Japan. ◇IEEE Communications Societyより、ICC 2011 のシンポジウム委員長を務めたことに対し感謝状が贈られました Nei Kato 2011年
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Student Travel Grant Duarte Pedro (M1) "artially Overlapped Channel Assignment on Wireless Mesh Network Backbone" 2010年12月
IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010 Fall), the IEEE VTS Japan 2010 Student Paper Award Ngo Thuan (M2) "On Performance Evaluation of Reliable Topology Control Algorithms in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" 2010年09月08日
IEEE Communications Society, the Student Travel Grant for (ICC'10, Cape Town, South Africa) Tetsushi Fukabori (M2) "An Efficient Data Aggregation Scheme Using Degree of Dependence on Clusters in WSNs" 2010年05月
平成21年度 東北大学大学院電気・情報系優秀賞 宮尾 健士 (M2) 2010年03月25日
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Best Paper Award Nei Kato "HYMN to Improve the Longevity of Wireless Sensor Networks" 2010年
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Best Paper Award Hiroki Nishiyama "HYMN to Improve the Longevity of Wireless Sensor Networks" 2010年
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Best Paper Award Nei Kato "Gateway Selection in Multi-hop Wireless Networks using Route and Link Optimization" 2010年
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Best Paper Award Ahmed Abdulla (M1) "HYMN to Improve the Longevity of Wireless Sensor Networks" 2010年
IEEE Global Communications Conference Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM 2010) , the IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Best Paper Award Hans Livingstone (M1) "Gateway Selection in Multi-hop Wireless Networks using Route and Link Optimization" 2010年
Certificate of Appreciation for Sensor and Mesh Networking symposium Co-Chair at IEEE ICC 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. ◇IEEE Communications Societyより、ICC 2010 のシンポジウム委員長を務めたことに対し感謝状が贈られました Nei Kato 2010年
Certificate of Appreciation for Network symposium Vice-Chair at IEEE WCNC 2010, Sydney, Australia. ◇IEEE Communications Societyより、WCNC 2010 のヴァイスチェアを務めたことに対し感謝状が贈られました Nei Kato 2010年
船井情報科学奨励賞 西山 大樹 "Research on Highly-Functional Transmission Control Protocols for Next Generation Networks" 2010年
IEEE Sendai Section Student Awards 2009, The Best Paper Prize Daigo Kudoh (M2), Kenichi Kashibuchi, Hiroki Nishiyama, and Nei Kato "CPLB: Congestion Prediction Based Load Balancing Method for Multi-Hop LEO/IP Satellite Networks" 2009年12月07日
IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2009), Best Paper Award Sumet Prabhavat (D3), Hiroki Nishiyama, Ninwan Ansari, and Nei Kato "On the Performance Analysis of Traffic Splitting on Load Imbalancing and Packet Reordering of Bursty Traffic" 2009年11月08日
5th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2009), Best Paper Award Zubair Md. Fadlullah (D2), T. Taleb, N. Nasser, and N. Kato "Exploring the Security Requirements for Quality of Service in Combined Wired and Wireless Networks" 2009年06月24日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2008, The Best Paper Prize Kenji Miyao (M1), Hidehisa Nakayama, and Nei Kato "Fault-Tolerant Topology Control in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks" 2008年12月12日
4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communication, Student Best Paper Award Takeshi Matsuda (M1), Hidehisa Nakayama, Sherman Shen, Yoshiaki Nemto, and Nei Kato "On Gateway Selection Protocol for DYMO-based MANET" 2008年10月14日
第23回 電気通信普及財団テレコムシステム技術賞 加藤 寧、タレブ タリク、根元 義章 "REFWA: An Efficient and Fair Congestion Control Scheme for LEO Satellite Networks", "Recent Trends in IP/NGEO Satellite Communication System: Transport, Routing, and Mobility Management" 2008年03月17日
IEEE Communications Society, the Student Travel Grant for (ICC'07, Glasgow, Scotland) Zubair Fadlullah (M2) "Combating Attacks Against Encrypted Protocol" 2007年06月
第6回 船井情報科学振興賞 根元 義章、加藤 寧、タレブ タリク "The Pioneering Research Activities on Next-Generation Network Protocol for Realizing Fusion between Satellite Networks and Terrestrial Network" 2007年04月21日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2007, The Best Paper Prize Kannhavong Bounpadith (M2), Hidehisa Nakayama, and Nei Kato "A Study of Colluding Misrelay Attacks in OLSR MANET" 2007年
Certificate of Appreciation for Internet Protocol Symposium Chair at IEEE GLOBECOM 2007, Washington, DC, U.S. ◇IEEE Communications Societyより、GLOBECOM 2007のシンポジウムチェアを務めたことに対し感謝状が贈られました Nei Kato 2007年
Best Student Paper Award for Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC2006, San Diego, USA) Kenich Kashibuchi (M2) "Fast Convergent Layered Multicast in Fixed and Mobile Networks" 2006年12月20日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2006, The Best Paper Prize Hiroki Nishiyama (M2), and Nei Kato "Improvement of Fairness among TCP Users with Multiple Connections" 2006年12月07日
IEEE Sendai Section Student Award 2006, The Best Paper Prize Kenichi Kashibuchi (M2), and Nei Kato "Impact of RTP Handoff on Existing TCP Sessions Performance" 2006年12月07日
IEEE Communications Society, the Student Travel Grant for (Globecom'06, San Francisco, USA) Masaru Dobashi (M1) "Traitor Tracing Technology of Streaming Contents Delivery using Traffic Pattern in Wired/Wireless Environments" 2006年12月
Best Student Paper Award for 7th International Symposium on Computer Networks (ISCN'06, Istanbul, Turkey) Kannhavong Bounpadith (M1) "Analysis of the Node Isolation Attack against OLSR-based Mobile Ad Hoc Network" 2006年06月18日
IEEE Communications Society, the Student Travel Grant for (ICC'06, Istanbul, Turkey) Hiroki Nishiyama (M2) "A Fair TCP-Based Congestion Avoidance Approach for One-to-Many Private Networks" 2006年06月
平成17年度 東北大学情報科学研究科長賞 黒澤 怜志 (M2) 2006年03月24日
IEEE Communications Society, the Student Travel Grant for (WCNC'06, Las Vegas, USA) Kenichi Kashibuchi (M2) "A New Smooth Handoff Scheme for Mobile Multimedia Streaming using RTP Dummy Packets and RTCP Explicit Handoff Notification" 2006年03月06日
IEEE Communications Society, Satellite and Space Communications Technical Committee 2005 Distinguished Contributions to Satellite Communications Award Nei Kato 2005年
Best Paper of the 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2003, Florida, USA) Hidehisa Nakayama, Masato Suzuki, Nei Kato, Yoshiaki Nemoto "Handwritten Japanese Address Recognition Technique Based on Phased Search of Candidate Rectangle Lattice" 2003年