EiC: Abbas Jamalipour
Associate EiC: Lin Cai

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Special Considerations


Occasionally you will be asked to handle a Transactions correspondence. Procedures differ slightly except when the correspondence is a technical item. See Editorial Procedures.

Also, you may be asked to handle an item for which the Editor-in-Chief has a conflict of interest (e.g., the authors work at the same company or university as the Editor-in-Chief). In this case, it is important that the Editor-in-Chief not have access to the reviewers' identities and that the final decision is made by the Editor.

In this situation, the online tool can still be used to store the paper and make a decision. However, the reviewers have to be contacted outside of the tool. The Editor can extract the electronic file from the tool and email it separately to each reviewer. Reviews can be collected using email, outside the tool. The reviews can be pasted into the decision letter developed using the tool. Once the decision is approved, separate emails need to be sent to each reviewer, giving he decision and copies of all reviews (the part intended for the author).

The preliminary decision is still sent to the Editor-in-Chief, but only for the purposes of simple checking, such as making sure there are at least two reviews.

The Transactions on Vehicular Technology are published by the IEEE and sponsored by VTS

Modified:  June 2017